Fort Worth Sprinkler Repair Experts

Serving The Entire DFW Metroplex

Fort Worth Area: 817-707-3786

Weathermatic Toro
Rainbird Hunter Irritrol

Trouble Shooting

Water Your Yard, Not The Streets!

irrigation timers

At Superior Sprinkler Services, we realize that your yard is the focal point and first impression of your home. If your sprinkler system is not operating at maximum potential then your outdoor beauties are probably suffering as well. Below we have included trouble-shooting tips so that you can not only understand the problem you are having but also help us to correct your sprinkler system problem. We encourage you to tour this page and try the suggestions we have provided.

If you have any questions or you find that you continue to have the problem, please contact our office at 972-898-4073.

Sprinkler System Repair Problem #1

My system is using too much water...

Excessive use of water or large jumps from your normal usage can sometimes be an indication of irrigation problems. Over watering, inappropriate scheduling, malfunctioning equipment and broken water lines can all lead to an unnecessary overuse of water.

However, in many cases it can be easy to blame the sprinkler system when another water usage problem may exist. Here is a simple check list to help determine if the sprinkler system may be the culprit:

  • Check the watering program in the irrigation controller. Was the program set-up correctly?
  • Has someone re-adjusted the watering schedule? (With some controllers extended-watering cycles designed for drip irrigation, it is possible to water one zone for up to 10 hours.)
  • Walk around the yard. Do you find "Wet spots" where water is collecting?
  • Do you see any signs of erosion or holes that could be caused by a broken pipe?
  • Operate the irrigation system and look for geysers, or water boiling out from under heads that could be broken off below the ground.
  • Contact your local water utility to help assist you in determining if you have a leak. They will only check as far as the meter, but will help in determining if you have a leak on your side of the meter.

Also contact your sprinkler repair "Pros" at Superior Sprinkler Services if you have any questions or if you do locate a leak. We can be reached for same day sprinkler repair services at 972-898-4073.

Sprinkler System Repair Problem #2

Wet spots or slow leakage out of sprinklers when system is off...

The goal of a sprinkler system is to evenly apply water in a desired manner on a scheduled basis. Areas that are continuously wet or excessively wet after or between watering cycles should be addressed immediately.

Several factors can result in "wet spots." Here are a few common causes:

  • Leaking Zone Control Valves: The individual valves in your sprinkler system are essentially like faucets, they turn on and they turn off. Like a faucet, they can leak. Leakage can be caused by something caught in the mechanism that operates the valve or it can also be a sign that the valve is old and may need a replacement part installed. The most visible symptom of a leaking valve is water continuously coming out of a head long after the system has shut off. (Be careful, this can also be a symptom of low head drainage, which is described below.)


  • Low-Head Drainage: This problem is caused by water siphoning out of the lowest head in a sprinkler zone after watering is completed. When the water flow to the zone has been shut off at the end of its cycle, the remaining water in the lines will drain downhill to the lowest point. If a sprinkler head is located in the lowest part of the system, water will flow out of that head until equilibrium has been reached or all of the water has emptied out of that zone's pipes.

    Low head drainage can be a problem if the water collects in a low area of the yard and makes a puddle, or if it flows across a walk or driveway. This normal process is caused by gravity flow and water attempting to reach its own level and is typically not considered a problem. If it becomes a problem it can usually be corrected by adjustments to the system or installation of devices, called drain check valves that can prevent low head drainage.

    Contact Superior Sprinkler Services if low head drainage becomes a nuisance.

  • Broken Pipes: "Wet Spots" can also be caused by broken pipes in the system. There are two types of lines in irrigation systems where pipe breaks can occur: Main (Constant Pressure) Lines and Lateral (Zone) Lines. In order to assess your situation, you will best be served by determining which type of line is broken.

  • Main (Constant Pressure) Line: This pipe that leads from the backflow prevention device to the individual zone control valves and supplies the system with continuous water pressure. If you break or have a leak in a main line, the water will flow continuously whether the system is running or not. The flow may be large enough to erode a hole in the soil or cause a continuous leak or wet spot. If you have a main line leak you will need to turn the water off immediately.

  • Lateral (Zone) Lines: These pipes feed the various individual zones of the sprinkler system that are under pressure only when the system is actually running. A lateral line break can be hard to spot because it only leaks while that particular zone or station of the system is active. No matter whether it is a small leak or a large break, it will eventually erode the soil and create a hole in the lawn or bed.

    Line breaks waste water and can cause damage by erosion or over watering. Both Main Line and Lateral Line breaks should be repaired by an irrigation professional. Contaminants (dirt, rocks or mulch) could enter the line during repairs and clog or permanently damage downstream sprinklers and other components. If you have a lateral line break, you can continue to operate the system by turning off the zone that contains the break until the repair is made. This will limit damage to the landscape.

Sprinkler System Repair Problem #3

The sprinkler system starts watering at indefinite and unwanted times...

Solution: The problem lies with the timer of the system. Multiple start times have probably been set. Check the program for the system and just leave one of the start times turned on. This is the simpler way for troubleshooting this problem. However, if you do not have proper expertise, it is better that you contact Superior Sprinkler Services because we are the experts in the irrigation industry and we understand the programming code so that it can be checked effectively.

Sprinkler System Repair Problem #4

The sprinkler system starts watering at indefinite and unwanted times...

The lawn is not watered at all...

Solution: There can be several reasons for this problem. First of all, check out for the most common causes and try to troubleshoot them. Check if the sprinkler has been plugged into the power supply. If this is not the problem, then check whether the timer is switched on or not.

You may have a blown fuse. In case of a blown fuse, all you have to do is replace the fuse. If you are facing this problem of fuses getting blown regularly, then you need to replace the valve solenoid. The other components, which can cause this problem are faulty sensor devices or transformers. In either of the cases, you need to replace these components. If there is a problem with the wiring that reaches the timer or valve, then you need to replace the wire.

Sprinkler System Repair Problem #5

Water from the sprinkler flooding the lawn...

Solution: If water from the sprinkler is flooding the lawn or garden, then there are two possible reasons. Either the nozzle is not working or it is missing, or the sprinkler head is faulty. In either case, the only possible solution is the replacement of the faulty equipment. You have to check which of these two components is causing the problem and replace the same.

Sprinkler System Repair Problem #6

The sprinkler cannot evenly water the entire lawn...

Solution: You are dealing with one of the rotor problems of the sprinkler. You must have noticed that in most of these cases the sprinkler cannot rotate a full 360°. In such cases, you will notice that there is some problem with the sprinkler head or the nozzle is not working properly.

Another reason may be that the water pressure is not sufficient to rotate the sprinkler. In such cases, you have to either replace the sprinkler and nozzle, or simply split the entire zone into two parts. This will solve your problem. Before you go for the replacement of the sprinkler head, just check if there is any debris stuck on it. If that's the case, you will not have to replace the sprinkler, but simply clean the sprinkler head with a brush.

These were some of the common sprinkler system troubleshooting procedures. There are a lot of other problems that may arise, which may have their roots in the programming code of the timer. Trouble-shooting sprinkler system problems in such cases may be very difficult and may need proper technical expertise.